How do I get help with referencing?
Your School may produce a guide or a set of standards for referencing, which are often included in your student handbook. Your tutor will be able to advise on the type of referencing style which is expected. The Library & Learning Centre also produces step-by-step guides for some subjects by request (notably Medicine & Nursing).
We can also provide referencing training within the curriculum, by negotiation with module leaders. We can also advise on how to reference specific documents if you aren’t sure how.
Our online referencing help is Cite Them Right Online:
Cite Them Right Online is a resource designed to help students with referencing. The user-friendly online platform provides access to guidance for a number of different reference styles and a wide range of sources from books and journals to legal and government materials, media and art resources, websites, social media and more.
How to use Cite Them Right Online:
Start with the basics section to learn the principles behind referencing in academic work
Search the site to find the source you need to reference
Use the 'You Try' feature to structure your reference and copy and paste it into your work or email it to yourself later
For more information please contact your Academic Librarian team
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University of Dundee