Can I have help creating a survey?
LLC Survey Service
Survey Service libguide on how to set up an account and get access to Jisc Online Surveys
If you need to conduct a survey, we can assist whether you are an academic, a researcher, a student, or an administrator. We can also assist where external colleagues are working with you on collaborative surveys. We can even create your online survey on your behalf (staff only).
The key resource offered by the University is the Jisc Online Surveys tool. This is available to all staff and students, free of charge, including external colleagues involved in collaborative surveys. It is managed by the Survey Service based in the Library and Learning Centre.
Email to request a Jisc Online Surveys account. Survey Service staff will then register your University of Dundee email address on the Jisc Online Surveys system. Once we have done so, we will notify you by return email and include supporting information. This will include details on how to access the interactive eLearning materials which give an overview of Jisc Online Surveys and help you get started.
Please do not create your own Trial account from the Jisc website as the University of Dundee has no control over this type of account (which is time-limited to 30 days).
Please try to give 2 working days’ notice when requesting a Jisc Online Surveys account. If you are a staff member requesting multiple Jisc Online Surveys accounts on behalf of your students, please try to give 4 working days’ notice. In the vast majority of cases requests are actioned sooner than the requested notice periods above, but these will help during particularly busy periods.
Activating your Jisc Online Surveys Account
Within 15 minutes of Survey Service staff notifying you that your University of Dundee email address has been registered on the Jisc Online Surveys system you will receive an automatically generated email invitation from Jisc Online Surveys. The email invitation will contain an activation link which you will click on to set up a password and activate your Jisc Online Surveys account.
Survey Privacy Notice
When planning your Jisc Online survey, please remember to check whether it requires a privacy notice. Details on how to do this will be provided in the supporting information from the Survey Service.
Where it does require a privacy notice, two template privacy notices are provided from which to select and complete the information in squared brackets. Once completed you should send your privacy notice to Data Protection for approval well in advance of your survey launch date to avoid any potential delay.
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