More Books


New Recommend new resource purchases for the library

More Books is a book recommendation service for students*.

If you need a book for your studies, course work, dissertation or exams which the Library doesn't have, or if you think an extra copy or eBook would be helpful, please get in touch.

You can either

and we'll do our best to respond to your request as quickly as possible.

Suggestions are welcome from all students, however this service should benefit final year students in particular, who may need books on more specialised areas.

Since its launch in January 2014, we have purchased many new titles and additional copies of high demand books in response to More Books requests.

A selection of More Books requested by students from September 2020 to March 2021

Feedback from students who have used the service has been very positive:

Thank you so much!  This is very useful and you were very quick to respond to my request. Great system.

Thank you very much, I have collected the book and it has been extremely useful.

Shot them an e-mail suggesting the purchase of the latest edition of a rather expensive (but highly regarded) textbook on neuroscience, got a reply only two days later that the book was ready for pick-up.  Extremely impressed! (a recent post on Facebook)

More services to support students' resource needs

  • some eBook providers offer Preview and Suggest for purchase options
  • the Resource Lists software links directly to our Orders Department so we can try to ensure essential recommended readings are available
  • we monitor requests placed through Library Search and fast track orders for extra copies of high demand books or eBooks where possible
  • the Subject Guides pages include links to specialised resources e.g. historical texts, journal services, video resources and other LibGuides for LLC services such as Recommend a Resource and much more
  • items not available at UoD can be requested through inter-library loan
  • if you need any help finding, using or accessing library resources, you can contact the Library.

*Staff requests for books, journals or other resources should be directed to


The Library & Learning Centre aims to purchase or make available all the resources need to support module Reading Lists. 

In addition, we try to support, through our More Books, and our Interlibrary loan services, many additional requests to support individual research, whether for dissertations or research projects.  Occasionally materials may be out of print, online versions may not be available, or other libraries may refuse to lend rare books or journals.  Additionally, we must keep within our budget, and will sometimes either refuse requests, or suggest that students visit other University or National  Libraries, to consult their printed resources, or online materials on a 'walk in user' basis.  Please ask Library staff if you need any help or advice with this.

  • Last Updated May 20, 2024
  • Views 88
  • Answered By Theresa

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